
Vicinity in skychart
Vicinity in skychart

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Is he going to include Ceres, Vesta, Sedna, and Chiron in his "alignment" as well? Throw a few planets into the mix, and you can fashion up a "Sacred Tree." Razetto apparently doesn't care that Pluto has now been (quite properly) downgraded to the rank of the minor planets. In this case, it's the Milky Way's Great Rift. Since we have seen in the last posting that the Sun is not aligned with the Galactic Equator at the time of the 2012 winter solstice (although it would make no difference even if it were), if you look around hard enough, you'll find something that the Sun is aligned with. The "Great Rift" or "Dark Rift" of the Milky Way is simply big old cloud of dust and gas along the Galactic plane that obscures the stars behind it. This, says Razetto, constitutes "The Sacred Triple Rebirth of the Sun." I then wrote another posting, pointing out that this supposed alignment actually took place in 1998, and in any case is "signifying nothing." Gersten disagreed again, and pointed me to the Really Good stuff: Thomas Razetto's claims about the supposed alignment of the solstice point with the Great Rift of the Milky Way, also (allegedly) known as the Maya Birth Canal. Gersten disagreed, and pointed me to some information about a supposed alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator, at the moment of the solstice. I said there was no unusual "alignment" occurring at that time.

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He thinks that some "trans-dimensional event" will occur, sucking him into it, where he will probably meet the late members of the Heavens Gate cult, still wearing their sneakers, as well as Jimmy Hoffa and Judge Crater. Two postings ago I wrote about Peter Gersten's planned "Leap of Faith" from Bell's Rock in Sedona, Arizona at the precise moment of the December solstice in 2012. Camping's earlier prediction of The Rapture in September, 1994 was likewise a bust. But I would not forego any sinning on that account. How Whisenant calculated the date of The RaptureĪccording to religious broadcaster Harold Camping, The Rapture is set to begin in less than three months, on May 21, 2011. When the world failed to end in 1988, he issued more rapture predictions for 1989, 1993, and 1994, but these did not attract as much attention. He also predicted that a nuclear war would break out between the US and the USSR on October 4, and the Final Judgment occurring in November, 1995. He confidently stated, "Only if the Bible is in error am I wrong," and we know that isn't possible. Over four million copies were sold, and many others distributed for free. Whisenant attracted many followers in the Evangelical Christian community with his confident prediction that the Rapture would occur in 1988, probably to coincide with Rosh Hashana. The former NASA engineer and self-taught Biblical scholar Edgar C.

Vicinity in skychart